Studying Through Ramadan

-Take Regular Breaks

Try to take a 10 minute break after each hour of study. It's unlikely that working long hours on an empty stomach ( or otherwise) is productive.

-Stay Active

If you are feeling tired, get up and get moving. Nothing Strenuous, just get up and walk around. You'll feel much more awake after getting a change of scenery.

-Adjust Your Sleep Pattern

You're likely to be staying up late and getting up early so your schedule will be jumbled up. Because of this, you may want to use the daylight hours to catch up on sleep. It's important to ensure you're properly rested not only for the sake of your grades, but for your well-being.

-Revise With Friends

Spending some time around people you love. Even better if your friends are also fasting, will be sure to lift your spirits. It will be great to Have some company for awhile.

-Eat Loads Of Healthy Foods

It can be tempting to gorge on lots of filling unhealthy foods. But if you give in to the cravings, you're likely to end up feeling lethargic - not exactly optimum for studying!

Especially for suhoor, you need to incorporate as many 'brain foods' into your diet as possible. Think: avocado, dark chocolate, eggs, walnuts, bananas and almonds. These will improve your focus and help you retain information as you study.

-Stay Hydrated

If you're studying after iftar or taraweeh drink lots of water. Hydration is so good for your brain and will help you feel well and ready for your studies.

-Eat Slowly

When you do eat, try and resist the temptation to munch it all down quickly. If you eat slowly the energy of your food will slowly be released into your system, keeping you energised for longer.

by: Aaliah Azad