
Lying on my bed, I reflect on my day,

All the things that I did,

Everything I had to say,

From when I smiled at a stranger,

To when I neglected my prayers...

Did I really think I was so worthy, as to turn away from my lord?

That small time I got to thank him, but all I did was ignore.

In this life that I am so fortunate to be given, My family, friends, and a roof over my head

All I can do is take advantage?

What about the people in Syria, who can’t even manage? 

Yet every time I see them on TV, their faces lit up with a smile,

Their lips uttering the same word: ‘Alhamdulillah...’

Whenever I am in a bad situation, I turn to Him abruptly,

Yet whenever it is time for me to praise him, 

I can never be bothered.

I make excuses to try and avoid it

“He didn’t give me this,” - “He didn’t give me that,”

What about the things that he did grant me with, what about them?

I moan and moan about not wanting my food,

What if I were taken away from me then what would I do?

But despite all my mistakes, my Lord keeps providing,

Blessing after blessing, the amount of his mercy continues rising

Repay him for what he has given me-no, I cannot,

However, trying to be grateful to him is all I can do.

He gives me life every morning,

Gives me health, even when I do not ask.

You showed me the right path, but it is like I have a cloth over my eyes

What is there to ask for?

He has given me everything I need and more!

Yet I still cry, wanting my worldly goods to increase.

Many signs have been scattered everywhere 

I act as if I am blind to them.

Many opportunities to show my lord that I am thankful

But I pretend that I am too good for them

Putting my head on the ground is the least I can do,

Constantly look for the good in bad situations,

And appreciate the little things that I have been given.

By Hiba Hamzath
