Editor's Note
Assalamualaikum to all our readers,
Welcome to the winter issue of The Soul Journal, where we delve into the heart of community and unity. In a world that constantly evolves, we are inspired by stories of resilience, innovation, and the remarkable individuals who dare to challenge. Join us as we uncover fresh perspectives, and inspire you to embrace change in your own journey.
This issue carries mainly the message of “One Ummah” a principle not about erasing differences, but about cultivating a sense of common purpose and mutual care that allows us to overcome the divisions that weaken us.
The challenge of achieving One Ummah is ongoing and will not be easy. But by embracing its true meaning—prioritising the needs of the community, upholding justice and compassion, and recognizing the strength in our diversity—Muslims can create a unified force for good in the world.
As we wrap up this edition, we hope you found inspiration, fun, and perhaps even a new perspective on the world around you. Whether you're exploring new hobbies, learning about exciting topics, or simply enjoying the content, remember that the journey of discovery is never-ending. Jazakallah Khairan,for being part of our community, and we can't wait to bring you even more exciting content next time!
Jazakallah Khairan,
Your Sisters in Islam
Rimza Riyas, Fazra Nazoordeen and Azmina Rushdy